Daily on Twitter as discussed about '#edtech'
tags: twitter, newspaper
Chris O'Neal's website
tags: website
Chris O'Neals wiki
tags: web2.0, wiki
professional development ed tech wiki pageChris O'Neal
tags: wiki, professionaldevelopment
tags: web2.0, ipodtouch, wiki
Free educational tools
tags: web2.0, tools, resources, education, technology, google, teaching
Educational Technology Blog
tags: technology, web2.0, education, digitalgoonies.com, blog
DoltonRoad - Whip-Up-a-Wiki
Using wikis in the classroom
tags: wiki, doltonroad
ISTE 2010 Attendees | program | search results details
Howie Diblasi's Iste registration page
tags: iste
Dr. Howie DiBlasi Twitter= hdiblasi www.drhowie.com
ISTE presenter; google resources; twitter, wikis, web 2.0 tools, blogging, websites K-2
tags: 21stcenturyskills, web2.0, education, iste
Story Chasers Inc. » About
tags: storychasers
Google Teacher Academy Resources: Google Certified Teachers
also list google certified teacher's websites
tags: google, web2.0, resources, academy
The Twitter Times: jutecht
tags: twitter
Educational Technology and Life » 2010 » May
blog of Mark Wagner, Ph.D.
tags: google, blog, technology, educational
Official Google Blog: Google Apps highlights – 5/21/2010
Google's blogspot
tags: google, blog
Welcome! - Jeff Utecht's Presentation Notes
tags: wiki, conference, presentations
Scott Trudeau website
Scott's helpful technology resources
tags: Training, technology, resources
tags: web2.0
tags: digitalstorytelling, iste, wiki
LA teacher makes algebra cool with a hip-hop beat - ContraCostaTimes.com
tags: algebra
Discovery Education: Web 2.0 Tools
Web 2.0 tools
tags: web2.0, discoveryeducation, tools, education
archived conference
tags: no_tag
Terry Smith's 4th Grade
PBL activities and other educational information and resources. Hanibal, MO
tags: terrysmith, website, PBL
Projects that help children lern with the world.... not just about it.
tags: iearn, technology, resources
Dr. Alice Christie's Site
Arizona University Professor. Trains in GoogleTreks, GPS and Geocaching, Google Earth, Searching the web, web design, etc.
tags: technology, website, googletools
Open source classroom mgt software. Replaces programs like Vision6, LanSchool and NetSupport School.Intelligent Teaching and Learning with Computers, aka iTALC, gives teachers the tools they need to manage a computer-based classroom without the high license fees of commercial software. Key features include remote control, demo viewing, overview mode, workstation locking and VPN access for off-site students. Operating System: Windows, Linux
tags: opensource, software, classroommanagement, education, tools
. The rest of my
are here.