Sunday, December 13, 2009

Writing Prompts for A Christmas Carol

I was reading about writing prompts the other day on TeachHUB website. The first lesson I discovered was for Disney's A Christmas Carol. This lesson started out by having your students watch the movie trailer, then offered various curriculum ideas for grades K-2, 3-5, and 6-12.
Here are some of their suggestions.
For K-2: Pretend your school has a ghost. What is his or her name? What does he/she look like? Draw the ghost and write his/her name under it.
For 3-5: First, put three columns on your paper and label them "past," "present" and "future." Then, write 5 action verbs that you "do" during the holidays.  In each column, write the verb in proper tense (past, present or future).
For 6-12:  Disney wants to release a sequel to A Christmas Carol. Describe three new ghosts they could create for Scrooge's next story. (9-12) Write a one-page pitch to persuade Disney to use your plot for the sequel.
Thanks to TeachHub for great curriculum ideas

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