Monday, April 11, 2011

Prezi in the Classroom

Tomorrow at my monthly 30 minute technology training session I will be presenting Prezi. This is definitely a tool I would love to see more of my teachers using in their classrooms as I feel it is a unique way to presenting information.
I believe the learning curve for Prezi is somewhat moderate as the tool itself is easy to grasp but the organizing of materials is a bit more complex. In my opinion this tool forces students higher-level thinking skills that PowerPoint just doesn't do. Because Prezi is not linear by nature and PowerPoint is, that in and of itself promotes higher-level thinking. Here the student must first organize their thoughts in a manner that will present the information they have gathered in a logical sequence, but then by adding in the fact that I can add information to any part of my canvas then force the path in any order I choose helps with the thinking process done by the student. Many of our thoughts are inter-related and this tool allows me to show and share those relationships with one another without having them side by side. To me, it is like a giant spider web where topics have some common thread but yet at the same time, one thought might lead to another thought that may or may not be related. Just like the Internet.
So I put together a Prezi to demonstrate how easy it is to create as well as uses for Prezi in the classroom. Since you can easily embed a Prezi in a blog, I decided to share mine with you.
Check it out and I hope more of you take advantage of this free tool in your classroom.

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